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Anchor Stone (I-Ka-Ri-I-Shi) (AD 1274)

Fubirai Khan who was the grandchild of Genghis Khan which conquered an Eurasian continent for 1206 years unified China, and then he held an Gen dynasty. The country document which the Gen-dynasty which aimed at the eastern conquest required the offering to them, was sent to our country in 1260. Kamakura shogunate kept ignoring this because it was an impolite document.
The forces of many Gens have attacked it in Hakata bay in 1268. The defense army struggled because it was the large force that it exceeded 10000 people. Then, the samurai who saw a gun for the first time, and a horse are surprised at the explosion, and it seems that it didn't become a battle. The night, God's wind blew in being lucky, and the ship of the army of Gen was damaged badly. Anchor stone (I-Ka-Ri-I-Shi) of the thing of the age is displayed in the treasure house of Dazaifu Tenma shrine. Before, it was put on the courtyard of the shrine. It considers that it was a structure like a figure from Ikari that it was discovered in the rest.