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Ten-Ko-Kai-Butsu (AD 1637)

"Ten-Ko-Kai-Butsu" is a book about the industry technology written at the end of the age of Min era in China. A manufacturing process such as the agricultural products, clothes, fire vessel, metal goods is being put systematically and together in this book in the detailed escription with the illustration.There is a manufacturing process of the anchor in one of those.

Because wind blows, it may become difficult for the ship during the navigation to stay at the port. The whole destiny of the ship is entrusted to the anchor at that time.
There is a ship which has the anchor of weight 1000 kin in the battleship and the merchant ship. The method of forging of the anchor is as the following. At first, 4 anchor nails are made, and it is connected with the anchor body one after another. A large iron floor (the kanashiki of the diameter 1 shaku ) is used for the anchor within weight 300 kin. Kanashiki is placed by the side of the fireplace. After it confirms that the end of the heated anchor body, and the nail turned red completely, a person removes the charcoal of the fireplace, and next they are put by using the stick which iron was put on, and then they are put on Kanashiki. When the anchor of about the weight 1000 Kin is created, a tree board is put, and a shelf is made, and many people stand up on that, and the iron chain which connected it in the anchor is pulled together with all, and a nail is fixed on the anchor body. All big iron circles and chain stops are put on the end of the chain, and an anchor body and a nail are pulled, and it rotates, and the people cooperate, and connect them by forging.
Yellow mud isn't used for the joiner. Old plaster is taken and sifted delicately. A few gaps disappear when one person sows it continuously in the gap in the connected faces and it is completely put together, too. This is probably the biggest thing in the goods prduced by forging.

"Ten-Ko-Kai-Butsu" is book for industrial technical wrote by Mr.So-Oh-Sei in China on 1637,at end of Min era.(Note:1 Kin = about 600g)