We wish to appear in your DREAMS

The Tale of a bellows (Fuigo)  6

Ta-Ta-Ra operation is very hard work. So many people called "Ba-N-Ko" continue to operate Ta-Ta-Ra by turns until Ke-Ra shall be born in furnace while they are singing "Ta-Ta-Ra song" to forget the hardness of works. The end period (1691) of Edo-era, the balancing type Fuigo was developed in Izumo area. This type of Fuigo was able to be operated by one(1) to two(2) people for each side of Fuigo. The former stamping type of Fuigo should be operated by three(3) to four(4) people for each side of Fuigo.
This invention made do great saving of labor and increase production rate of iron greatly due to increase and stablility of air flow rate. This Fuigo especially had made progress at Ta-Ta-Ra works in Chugoku area which includes Izumo where this Fuigo had been developed.
Now in Japanese, it is said "Ka-Wa-Ri-Ba-N-Ko"that people do something in turns. This word has origin what Ba-N-Ko had operated Ta-Ta-Ra in turns. "Ta-Ta-Ra" which had been a word to mean the stamping type of Fuigo, had changed the meaning to explain whole of iron works.

Wemen who step Ta-ta-ra(Foot bellows) is the music used in the animation movie titled "Princess Mononoke",which is presented by "Ponta".
One step and two steps,  a child do that so. 
Three steps and four steps, an ogre does that with tears.
Wemen of Ta-ta-ra has warm heart.  
Iron melts itself with it and change into the sword. 

Reference Documents
Introduce to Wako Museum             Wako Museum          1996
Saiko(Mining) and Yakin(metallurgy)  Nihonhyoronsha       1983
Gendai Sangyo Gijutsu     Hosodaigaku Kyoiku shinkokai    1993
Michinoku no Tetsu        Agune Technical Center          1994

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